| | The Czech Association for Technical Equipment is a voluntary and open association (by the law 83/1990 Sb. and 301/1992 Sb.), whose members can be associations (by law 83/1990 Sb. and 301/1992 Sb.), physical and corporate persons, Czech and foreign firm, entrepreneurs, institutions and persons working in the gas installation field. | | | | ČSTZ is a voluntary association (pursuant to Act 83/1990 Sb. and Act 301/1992 Sb.), members of which can become associations, unions, guilds, federations etc. (for example according to Act 83/1990 Sb.), trade associations (for example according to Act 301/1992 Sb.), entrepreneurial physical and legal persons (Czech and foreign firms, entrepreneurs), institutions and persons working in the gas installation field. | | | | | | |